welcome to sdcacs 

In 1991, an art lover and educator, Daisy Kuan, together with a group of Chinese American friends in San Diego, got together and established the San Diego Chinese Art Society. They wanted to expose Art to our youth, hoping to enrich their lives. In time, this group grew in size and expanded its purpose. Today, we are known as the San Diego Chinese Art and Cultural Society: a non-profit 501 (C)(3) organization.

Our mission now is to promote greater awareness of Chinese art and culture via art education, special exhibits and performances held year round. We also have a scholarship program aimed at encouraging and helping young people to develop their art and musical talents. In addition, we strive to promote a better understanding of other cultures with our most popular event being the annual International Music and Arts Festival held close to the Lunar New Year.

We sincerely thank our supporters for their generous donations year after year. Only with your support can we continue to reach higher levels of art and cultural education. We also thank our members for their participation. Your help will enable us to offer more concerts and performances, exhibits, seminars and field trips to our San Diego community.

1991 年,對藝術熱愛的林小碟女士與聖地亞哥的華人朋友共同成立了聖地亞哥中華藝術學會。希望能促進年輕的一代對於中華藝術文化的了解與欣賞。而今的聖地亞哥中華藝術文化學會已頗具規模,同時也是非營利事業組織 501(C)(3)。 

聖地亞哥中華藝術文化學會的宗旨是希望藉由演講、展覽及各種活動以增加本地主流人士對於中華藝術文化的認識。為了鼓勵年輕學子對於藝術的愛好也增設獎學金做為鼓勵。此外最重要的一個活動是在中國農曆新年左右的‘ 國際音樂藝術節’。藉由這個活動希望能融合各文化的精髓提升對藝術的欣賞。 


理事會名單 (2024)

President 會長
JoJo Ni 張瓊芳

Vice President 副會長
Marian Liu 柳靜娟

Secretary 秘書
Jennifer Liang 梁續恩

Bylaws Chair 章程主席
Lillian Chen 邵蕾蕾

Treasurer 財務
Sharon Lee 李香蘭

Founder 創始會長
Daisy Kuan 林小碟

Event Committee Chair 活動委員會主席
Polly Liew 金蓉蓉

Event Coordinator 活動統籌
Ling Chan 陳菱

Art Education 美術教育
Winnie Fong 法薇

Festival Coordinator 藝術節統籌
Lucia Yau 程靈芸

Operation 執行
Amy Chu 朱惠美

Flyer Design Committee Chair 傳單設計委員會主席
Peisan Chiang 江佩珊

PR & Fundraising Committee Chair

Ivy Tsai 潘琬薇

Art Committee Chair 藝術委員會主席
Nancy Yang 溫竹婷

Tech Support 資訊
Irene Wang 王家楓

2023 SDCACS Board Members



1991-1996 Daisy Kuan 林小碟

1997-1999 Polly Liew 金蓉蓉

2000-2001 Lily Meng 朱佩蘭

2002-2003 Winnie Fong 法薇

2004-2006 Lucia Yau 程靈芸

2007-2008 Jean Tzung 沈雅琴

2009-2010 Anna Lee 杜丹莉

2011-2012 Lian Pin Lee 馬良平

2013-2016 Wendy Meng 周瑾

2017 Polly Liew 金蓉蓉

2018-2019 Jennifer Nan 張慧娟

2020-2023 Lillian Chen 邵蕾蕾


As a non-profit 501 (C)(3) organization, your donation is tax-deductible.
We graciously thank everyone for their generous support of Chinese art and culture in San Diego!

The SDCACS’s Tax ID # is 45-1506082

Method of Payment:
1. Personal check. Payable to SDCACS. Mail it to : 3830 Valley Centre Dr. #705-731, San Diego, CA 92130
2. Send payment via ZELLE to: sdcartcultural@gmail.com. Please write your full name in the memo.

2023 Spring Field Trip to Orange County Museum of Art